Children and Society
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Angeliki Anagnostou writes
The topic we will examine today relates to the way our children are edified (brought up) in our time… Although the word “edification” seems rather incompatible with today’s standards…
Are they indeed being edified or are they left to their own devices?
Modern society, under the pretext of progressivism, is treading upon highly dangerous paths, and I consider its complete self-destruction certain, and entirely irreversible. A future, utterly dark and gloomy, is being woven for the next generation of humanity, and the signs of this decline are right in front of us.
During this time-period, as we approach the end of the Kali Yuga which will lead the world into a new Pralaya (=Disintegration), the dominant role of the planet’s societies is now in the hands of the thought-form dynasty of astral powers, and the gods/creators are now under persecution.
This change of guard began to manifest symptoms of moral decline, a depreciation of moral values and a loosening of morals in human society, trends that people today consider ‘progressive.’ However, they label them as such, only because they cannot even roughly imagine their origin!
The arrival (through incarnation) of thousands of dark entities/powers on Earth, has created a “critical mass”, which is implementing its dark plans, deceiving millions of people in the name of progressivism and complete liberation.
The old moral values have disappeared, laws are considered authoritarian, expressing outdated positions, while in the name of euphemistic ‘democracy’, the values that held the cohesion of societies stable are now being dissolved.
Amidst all this leveling, the first victim was the way young people are edified and molded.
However, even the word ‘edification’ was considered outdated, and the youth were left free to express themselves as they wished.
But let’s look at this issue from a more metaphysical perspective, and then perhaps we will understand the fallacy.
The Mind (Nous) is a property of the soul:
“The blessed god, the good demon, has said that soul is in body, that Mind (Nous) is in soul.” [Corpus Hermeticum XII: translated by Brian P. Copenhaver Book 12, chapter 13]
“So, because of this reflection, He (the creator) constructed reason (Nous, Mind) within the soul and soul within body as He fashioned the All” [Plato’s Timaeus: translated by W.R.M. Lamb. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1925. 30b 4-6]
“And every worthy soul uses intellect; but intellect is not generated by body; for how can things destitute (=deprived) of intellect generate intellect?” [Sallust on the Gods and the world: chapter VIII]
When a person is born, the brain takes time to fully develop as an organ, and this is closely related to the process of the full integration of the properties of the soul (= intellect) into the body.
The dominant body a small child possesses is primarily the (unconscious/brainless) astral/emotional body, because through the characteristics this body is controlled by, the owner is aided in surviving in the new material environment. The main characteristics of this astral body are ‘I’ (=Ego) and ‘I want.’ In contrast, the characteristic of the soul is intellect (Nous).
Therefore, the small child, not yet having a fully developed brain -where at the age of 18, the soul will be able to take the baton with its full connection to the brain – is permeated by intense astral impulses to demand complete attention from the environment for its survival.
At this very point lies the cause of ‘childishness’ in human beings: a child in whom the physical brain, the primary recipient of mental intellect, has not yet fully evolved. So, the human-child is exclusively dominated by the unconscious astral body, which is the carrier of intense emotions, impulses, and the Ego.
Thus, the young child is not characterized by either altruism nor intellect (attributes of the soul), but only by a tremendous ‘ego’ that helps it survive.
If therefore, at this critical (childhood) age, society does not impose ethical frameworks, boundaries, and laws, leaving these astral-body impulses free, then, when the soul gains full connection to the body through the mind (at around the age of 18), facing an uncontrollable astral body with which it must contend, it will find itself in a terribly disadvantaged position. Then, this soul, sooner or later, will sink into the depths of this human existence, to silence… perhaps forever.
So, this is what society is doing now. It weakens the souls of the new incarnations, totally strengthening the astral body, by releasing all primal impulses. This renders the soul powerless, as it submits to the urges of the astral body, becoming an easy prey in the hands of dark forces planning to take as many souls as possible under their full control for the new phase of creation.
The uncontrollable nature of humans is utterly animalistic. To control this, societies have defined frameworks of behavior to control the animalistic tendencies. If these frameworks are abolished due to irrational ‘progressivism,’ then sooner or later, humanity will revert to the animal it started from. When a need remains unchecked, it becomes a desire. When desire remains unchecked, it becomes passion. And when passion remains unchecked, it leads the soul to the second death, where unfortunately, all of humanity is headed.
A very well-orchestrated fraud, aimed at taking universal events, that will lead to the Matrix escape.
The highest and most delicate energy-plane is where the soul is located and from that place, it is projected onto the flat brane or membrane of our visible world, as the holographic material human being.
This is exactly the deception which occurs when people attempt to interpret the story told in the Apocryphon of John literally.
There is a fine distinguishing line, which separates True Wisdom of the Agathon, from wrathful wisdom
Our world, besides the dense material (visible) plane, is comprised of multiple layers of energy, which form the immaterial dimensions.
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