Children and Society
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The article is based on the worldview of the book:
“Can you stand the Truth? The chronicle of Man’s imprisonment”.
Angeliki Anagnostou writes
I am deeply troubled by the fact, that the vast majority of emoticon reactions to posts (made by various websites) regarding UFO sightings is this hideous sarcastic
smiley emoji … 😆
What does it imply? …Ignorance? …Fear? …Or that, maybe, mass brainwashing has finally been SUCCESSFULLY ACCOMPLISHED??
I fear it is the latter…
This false information regarding the notorious PROJECT BLUE BEAM seems to have been embedded in the collective subconscious of humanity and the administrators of global information have finally succeeded in what they have been trying to do for many years:
—To ridicule anything connected to the UFO phenomenon.—
The mass brainwashing has been such a success, that even when prestigious and formal entities acknowledge a UFO sighting, the majority of humans laugh it off…
And you will ask… What does this brainwashing have to do with BLUE BEAM theory? …Everything!
The basic narrative concerning PROJECT BLUE BEAM is that at some point, NASA and the United Nations will stage a holographic UFO appearance in the sky, faking an alien invasion, so that the New World Order can establish a totalitarian dictatorship to gain total control over mankind.
The obsession with this conspiracy has reached such an extent, that amateur conspiracy theorists attributed the shooting down of at least four unidentified flying objects across the United States and Canada, in February 2023 to the process of Blue Beam!
However, none of the supporters of this Project Blue Beam fallacy bothers to explain the PURPOSE… THE REASON why the New World Order (NWO), suddenly and desperately (this time period) demands total control over the planet!
Don’t all these so-called knowledgeable individuals wonder whether the controllers of global information are aware of an impending universal and disruptive phenomenon that will surpass the established order of the world, and therefore are planning a series of actions to maintain control over situations that will surpass them?
Certain secret societies (controlled by unseen dark forces) are well-aware of THE EVENT that will take place at an undetermined point in our near future and is related to the end of the physical world as we know it.
Because this EVENT will be brought about by Supreme Hypercosmic Authorities and will be impossible to control either by physical humans or by the immaterial dark forces that command this world, it was decided to try to appropriate* it and create a false sense of control, in order to manipulate the panicking masses.
The need to control THE EVENT is critical to them, because only then (after THE EVENT) there will be a window of opportunity for every human being to escape the Matrix once and for all, because the EVENT will mark the COMMENCEMENT of the “RAPTURE” SEQUENCE!!!
*Appropriation is a technique commonly used by the dark forces of this world, every time they find themselves unable to contradict something larger than them (transforming it into something totally different and in their total control). In the exact same way, the Archons (of this world) appropriated the Christ and manufactured a religion of their own, using only His name.
Gospel of Judas ,
translated by Mark M. Mattison
“[Your minister] will stand up and use my name like that, and [the] generations of the pious will be loyal to him.”
The Event will be a completely unprecedented state for the entire universe. It will be what the Hindus call the end of Kali Yuga. Namely, the end of a Kalpa and the transition to a Maha Pralaya (a Great Dissolution) … The dance of shadows within the vortex of chaos.
Gospel of Judas ,
translated by Mark M. Mattison
“ Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, the stars complete all these things. When Saklas completes the time span that’s been determined for him, […] and they’ll finish what’s been said. Then, [..] they’ll all be destroyed along with their creations.”
It will be the ONSET of the sequence of the Retrieval of the Sacred Archetypes that support the entire creation, with the so called “RAPTURE” as its final stage.
Mathew (24:40-41, KJV) :
“40 Then two shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”
As something similar to The Event has NEVER happened before in the history of our planet, no one can predict exactly how this whole sequence will unfold. The only certainty is that the beginning will be marked by a series of Hypercosmic manifestations in the planet’s atmosphere, that have never existed before.
These “natural” (unnatural) phenomena will be accompanied by the emergence of (dual) extra-dimensional/extra-terrestrial forces of the Matrix, who will rush to gather what they can.
Thus, there will be two types of sightings: one that will concern the nature of the world and another concerning the presence of the dual forces of the Matrix.
To appropriate the Event, the administrators of global information came up with an alleged disclosure of a FICTIONAL CONSPIRACY which they named PROJECT BLUE BEAM. According to that, whatever appears in the sky will be their doing.
They knew that their great enemy would be the conspiracy theorists. That’s where they had to focus! So, they built a conspiracy against another conspiracy. One lie upon another lie, in order to achieve their goals.
In this methodical scheme of deception, a targeted tool/pawn was an unsuspecting researcher, the Canadian journalist Serge Monast, who was unknowingly used by high centers of power to convey the false message.
While a high-ranking member of the global information center was sharing fabricated information with Serge Monast, perfectly serving their agenda, at the same time, another group from the same centers of power, unleashed a relentless persecution against him, in order to make the provided information even more believable.
Monast claimed that he was being pursued by the police and authorities because he was involved in “forbidden information networks.” That’s why his children did not attend public schools and received homeschooling instead, as he feared for their lives. His death, which was caused by a heart attack at his home after spending the previous night in jail, was the “icing on the cake” that would make the deception even more believable, as Monast’s followers believed that his death was suspicious, implying that he was murdered using “psychotronic weapons”.
All this “Blue Beam” fairy tale gained significant attention in 1994 with the release of Monast’s book titled “Blue Beam (NASA).”
However, the truth lies somewhere in between, and Monast unwittingly became a powerful tool in the hands of secret services that fed him the information they wanted, in order to create a completely staged conspiracy.
Both the alleged conspiracy and its alleged revelation were, and still are nothing but a lie.
Thus, conspiracy theorists believed the lie (as a reality) that NASA and the UN would project onto the sky holograms of UFOs as well as a hologram of Christ -this is what their minds considered as one of the “natural” (unnatural) occurrences- in order to shut the Door to Salvation behind them indefinitely.
This distorted path of information followed by some credulous individuals led them into another delusion, which made them interpret all natural disasters (of climate change) preceding the Event as supposedly fabricated, thus portraying the orchestrators of the global unfolding as all-powerful!!!
Over the past centuries, people have interpreted all UFO sightings, as well as otherworldly apparitions, mainly as the presence of demons and even earlier in time, as the presence of gods.
When humanity entered the new technological era, many things from the past had to change for the benefit of new future challenges.
Thus, through this alleged information (of Project Blue Beam) the collective unconscious was INDIRECTLY infiltrated and fully absorbed the message (which the naive swallowed whole) that the entire UFO literature is false, and that UFO’s do not exist, since any potential appearances will simply be holograms!
This viewpoint about the nonexistence of Unidentified Flying Objects and related incidents has been constantly projected to humanity by centers of power since the early 20th century! … And eventually, they succeeded!
This was also the purpose of creating Project Blue Book: to cover up any incident related to UFO sightings with “scientifically plausible” justifications. Of course, it backfired on them when the key member of the team, Professor of Astronomy Josef Allen Hynek, started to realize the deception he was forced to support. He discovered that most of the UFO sighting cases were genuine, and he was obliged to debunk them.
In this way, the easily influenced masses were convinced that UFOs were a lie!
Thus, with a single stroke, they erased all archaeological findings that indicated the existence of the UFO phenomenon throughout the centuries.
They also dismissed the research of great researchers/investigators of the unexplained, such as Erich von Däniken, who dedicated his entire lifetime traveling around the whole world and uncovering evidence that declared the presence of extraterrestrial entities who created humanity and left behind great civilizations.
They also ignored entire reliefs (three-dimensional sculptures) in temples of Egypt and other civilizations that depict extraterrestrial beings creating man.
They canceled all of this in favor of a deception that was believed without question…
Furthermore, through the falsehood of the alleged Project Blue Beam, they undermine the Transcendental Event Process (i.e., the initiation of the Rapture process) since they have labeled whatever appears in the sky as a lie.
Thus, all these amateur conspiracy theorists have become obedient instruments of the Matrix controllers.
Serious researchers however, ¬―those who conduct proper research and don’t parrot theories― have started questioning the authenticity of Project Blue Beam, identifying numerous inconsistencies. If someone conducts a thorough investigation on the internet, they will find many articles of doubt and contemplation.
So, all of this is a well-crafted deception/fraud! Both the alleged information of Blue Beam and its alleged disclosure.
Whatever appears in our world, WILL BE REAL!
In this way, they plan to appropriate (cleverly) the phenomena of the Supernatural EVENT, achieving a dual goal: Underground (off the record), they will leak that all phenomena appearing will be the work of humans:
“Don’t worry, there’s nothing to fear. They are just holograms!”
This is to keep the panic that will ensue somewhat under control.
Clearly, their intention is to forcefully impose the New World Order with the “great” leader antichrist, who THEN, AFTER THE EVENT, will appear to prevent ―as many people as possible― from participating in the RAPTURE and SALVATION, diverting their path, and guiding them towards his own Fifth (5th) Dimension.
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Bombshell 10-minute video shows UFO swarm ‘completely unaffected’ by missile attack outside military base
Perhaps the most widely known and talked about modern myth is that of the Mothman, a creature first documented in the late 1960s.
The topic we will examine today relates to the way our children are edified (brought up) in our time.
The highest and most delicate energy-plane is where the soul is located and from that place, it is projected onto the flat brane or membrane of our visible world, as the holographic material human being.
This is exactly the deception which occurs when people attempt to interpret the story told in the Apocryphon of John literally.
UFO swarm ‘completely unaffected’ by missile attack outside military base
What Is the Mothman?
Children and Society
The “Project BLUE BEAM” lie and “The EVENT”
The soul’s projection and incarnations through spacetime
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The Creator’s order to the Souls, to create
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