Children and Society
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Angeliki Anagnostou writes:
We are experiencing the aging of our world, the degeneration of our species…
The compass that points towards the way to Salvation is lost.
Humans, overwhelmed by their materialistic daily routines, are blindly searching for sparks of spirituality to quench their thirsty spirit. Hence, they follow illusory, artificial lights, believing they will be led to Salvation… How they are deceived… They have lost the trail… The compass, which points them towards True Light and away from false light.
Which is that compass??
The PRINCIPLES and VALUES that define a Spiritual guide.
Lack of Ego and self-promotion. The first and foremost!
If one does not discard their “Ego”, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be embodied into the Spiritual All. And if one is not attached to the Spiritual All, where are they leading their fellow people?
I have come across “spiritual” guides who used such vulgar language when facing disagreement and it made me wonder, how could their followers not be trouble by this…
One must know WHEN and IF they will speak, WHEN and IF they will act. One must have mastered to contain their anger and their mouth. To contain their lower self…
These days, all “spiritual” guides have turned “fighters”… However, the true opponent each of us faces is one: our own lower nature. When it is tamed, then the spiritual person DOES NOT FIGHT, because they are no longer under the influence of the dual nature of the world.
The only fighting sides are the two opposing sides of our dual, oscillating world. As long as one is part of this oscillation, they are struggling between their own opposites. When one overcomes the oscillation, they stop and cease to respond to provocation.
The topic we will examine today relates to the way our children are edified (brought up) in our time.
A very well-orchestrated fraud, aimed at taking universal events, that will lead to the Matrix escape.
The highest and most delicate energy-plane is where the soul is located and from that place, it is projected onto the flat brane or membrane of our visible world, as the holographic material human being.
This is exactly the deception which occurs when people attempt to interpret the story told in the Apocryphon of John literally.
There is a fine distinguishing line, which separates True Wisdom of the Agathon, from wrathful wisdom
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Children and Society
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