Children and Society
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QUESTION: I stumbled upon some information that shook my faith. A typical and simple example is the video below. I am sending it to you, because I want to hear your personal opinion, since the existence of Christ is the central axis of the book and of all Christianity.
ANSWER: I watched the video that you sent me, and then I did a research to see if what is said in the video stand true. The result of the research confirmed my suspicions:
I believe that a very large and methodical “propaganda” that aims to underrate Christ is taking place, equating Him with certain gods of the past.
This is due to the fact that some Christian holidays were merged with some pagan holidays, to accommodate the functionality of the Roman Empire.
One example is the Roman celebration of the Calends, which began on December 25th. Also December 25th is the day they celebrated the birth day of the sun god («Dies Natalis Solis Invicti»), the birth of Mithra, and also the winter solstice. The same happens with the celebration of Easter, which usually coincides with the vernal equinox on the 21 or 22 of March, when the death of Dionysus was celebrated.
The Christians wanted to put an end to those pagan events, but they preferred instead of canceling them –which was difficult at that time period- to incorporate them into their own religion, and to slowly assimilate them.
So in order to justify these changes to Christians, they were accompanied by their respective stories that have arrived to today resembling the stories of other gods of the past.
The fact that the true date of Christ’s birth is actually unknown is described by Babis Imvridis in his article “Forbidden Christmas story”:
“The birth of Jesus is placed around 7 or 6 BC or between 4 to 1 BC. This happens because todays calendar, is essentially based on the calculations of the monk and astronomer Dionysius the Small, who in the 4th century AD established with the existing data of the time, the year 754 from the creation of Rome as the year of the birth of Jesus instead of the expected by today’s standards year 747. This means that if it was possible today to redefine the global calendar, the Christian calendar would begin about seven years earlier. Paradoxically we currently think that because of miscalculations, the birth of Jesus is placed in the years before Christ.”
Thus, they cut and sewed the model “Christ” manipulating and altering the historical data in order to match them with the symbols of the past. So we arrive to today and we find them all so corrupted, that some consider it better to completely erase the personality of Christ, instead of investigating the historical sources that accompany him.
The figures in the video that are equated with Christ are in order:
1) Horus, 2) Attis, 3) Krishna, 4) Dionysus 5) Mithra.
Before we begin, I think it will be very informative to say a few words about the penalty of crucifixion through time, because the video makes repeated references to it.
The cross from ancient times was a death sentence tool. Initially it seems that the use of this sentence was practiced by the Assyrians and was later established by the Babylonians, the Medes and the Persians. Diodorus mentions death by crucifixion as a death penalty by the Assyrians (2.1) and the Indians.
Herodotus mentions the Medes (1, 128) and the Persians (3, 125) executing people by crucifixion. Also from the Old Testament it seems that death by crucifixion was common to the Egyptians (Gen. 40, 19 and 41, 13).
The Judeans did not get this custom from the Egyptians, but from the Syrians.
I quote some passages from the Old Testament that show the use of crucifixion as a sentence:
Joshua 8:29. “And he hanged the king of Ai on a tree until evening. And at sunset Joshua commanded, and they took his body down from the tree and threw it at the entrance of the gate of the city and raised over it a great heap of stones, which stands there to this day.”
Joshua 10:26. “And afterward Joshua struck them and put them to death, and he hanged them on five trees. And they hung on the trees until evening.”
Ezra 6:11. “Also I make a decree that if anyone alters this edict, a beam shall be pulled out of his house, and he shall be impaled on it, and his house shall be made a dunghill.”
Esther 5:14. “Let a gallows fifty cubits high be made, and in the morning tell the king to have Mordecai hanged upon it. Then go joyfully with the king to the feast.” This idea pleased Haman, and he had the gallows made.”
So the frequent reports about others that were crucified throughout history, do not degrade the Sacrifice of Christ.
Here are some scanned excerpts about the life of the god Horus, from the Great Greek Encyclopedia of ΠΥΡΣΟΣ (TORCH) (1935)
Facts concerning the birth of the god Horus
“Isis accompanied by gods loyal to Osiris, Anubis and Thoth, goes to the islands of Delta and tries to find all the pieces of her brother’s body. She finds all the pieces except the testicles and succeeds in reassembling the body, cannot revive it, but gets impregnated by it and gives birth to Horus.
Facts concerning the life of the god Horus
[…] He grew up in his hideout preparing for his revenge… Like a maniac he pushed his mother and cut off her head. […] He reigned for 300years.”
I don’t see a lot in common with Christ!!!
1) About the birth of Attis the myth says the following:
Zeus’s semen fell on earth when he was asleep and from there a hermaphrodite monster was born, Agdisti whose male organs were removed by the gods. From them an almond tree was born, the fruit of which was eaten by the daughter of the river Saggariose and gave birth to Attis.
2) Attis was not crucified:
His death came from self-castration. Being very beautiful he gave birth to erotic longing for Agdisti (the hermaphrodite monster). At the time when Attis was going to marry the king’s daughter, Agdisti threw insanity on him and he cut off his men’s molecules. This is why his priests, were castrated.
3) His mother was his mistress.
4) Attis was not resurrected (= with the dematerialisation of flesh):
Agdistis (the hermaphrodite monster) succeeded with the help of Zeus, to keep the body of Attis intact, to neither melt nor decompose.
1) Krishna was born by the virgin Davaki.
Edward Schure in his book “The Great Initiates” Chap. Krishna says:
“One day Davaki fell into a deeper trance. Then she heard a heavenly music that seemed like an ocean of harps and divine voices. Suddenly the sky opened into an abyss of light. Thousands of brilliant beings watched her and in the shine of a bright ray, Machadeva, the sun of suns in human form was presented to her. And then entirely rapt by the Spirit of the worlds, her senses were paralyzed and into the oblivion of the earth in an endless bliss, she conceived the divine child. “
Schure at this points notes:
“Here an observation is necessary about the symbolic meaning of the legend. According to the mystical teachings of India, the human soul is the daughter of the sky … The father and mother thereby only give birth to the body of the child, because the soul comes from elsewhere. “
Vishnu Puranas says on the conception of Krishna: “No one could look at Davaki, so intense was the light that bathed her. And those who watched her glory, felt troubled in spirit. ”
2) The life and teachings of Krishna, had some similarities with the life and teachings of Christ.
3) Krishna was not crucified. He was killed by archers after multiple hits from their arrows. On the contrary, Christ declared that He would be sacrificed in order to redeem men.
Some excerpts from the book of (Edouard Schure: «The Great Mystai” Cap. Krishna)
“ The son of Mahadeva, must die pierced by arrow… The archers came… The arrow that pierced him…”
4) The story may imply indirectly the “resurrection” of Krishna, but in the case of Christ we have DEMATERIALIZATION of the physical body, which produced a blinding light and was the cause for the image of Christ to be displayed (photographed) on the shroud He was entwined with. (See: The Real Face of Jesus Chist)
The relevant passage from his book (Edouard Schure: «The Great Mystai” Cap. Krishna)
“The disciples of Krishna burned his body…the crowd thought they saw their master come out of the flames…”
Why is it that the seal includes the name of Orpheus, but states that the “crucified” one is Dionysus?
According to Apollodorus: “Euro Orpheus the mysteries of Dionysus”, «διό και τας υπό Διονύσου γενομένας τελετάς Ορφικάς προσαγορεύεσθαι».
Herodotus describes the Orphic and Bacchic mysteries as one and the same. The Orphics incorporated as their main deity, the oldest form of Dionysus, as an entity of the underworld under the name of Zagreus (= the Great Hunter).
1) Did not live in 500 BC (as the video states erroneously)
2) Was not born by a Virgin:
In Greek mythology, Dionysus was born from the thigh of his father (Zeus), at the island of Ikaria, and was delivered to twelve nymphs or water spirits, the Hyades, who became feeders of the divine child. Later, as a token of gratitude for their service, the Hyades were exalted in the heavenly realm where they became the constellation of Hyades.
Zeus placed the infant in his thigh without Heras knowledge and brought it out to the light at the right time, when the gestation was completed. Due to the fact that he was born between the thunderbolts of Zeus, Dionysus brought the name “πυριγενης= born of fire” and to the fact that he continued his gestation in the thigh of his father “μηρορραφής=inside the thigh”, “διμητωρ” and “δισσότοκος”.
3) The Dionysian worship has nothing in common with the Teachings of Christ.
4) In the Orphic Mysteries (during the spring equinox) the death of Dionysus Zagreos who was devoured by the Titans was taking place. But Goddess Athena intervenes and saves his heart, that is regarded as the seat of the soul, which she placed in the tibia of her father Zeus where he is gestated and born again as Dionysus the Anthios, who is then transformed to Dionysos the Elefthereas.
What some describe as resurrection -for some deities- is rebirth into matter. However, none of the listed deities emerges with the dematerialization of flesh.
Mithra is the son of Ahura-Mazda, intercessor between the divine Savior and men. He descended to earth to defeat Ahriman, the spirit of evil and save men.
The way he was born is very symbolic, he came out of a rock as an adult (many such representations were found in temples) on December 25th. His arrival was realized firstly by some shepherds, who saw him coming out wearing a Phrygian cap and holding a knife in one hand and a lighted torch in the other. His biggest representation is that of Tavroktonou(=bull killer) Mithras, based on the following legend:
A bull (of the first beings of the creator Hormuz) was grazing in a meadow. Mithra saw him and tried to catch him by the horns. After a fight with the Bull he managed to drag him to his cave. But when Mithra was sleeping, the bull ran away. Ahura-Mazda, saw the untamed bull, and sent his messenger, a raven, to tell Mithra to kill the bull. Mithra was upset and did not want to do it, but had to obey the commandments of the god. So he managed to recapture the animal and when he was driving his knife in the neck of the bull, out of the animal’s body sprang all the healing plants and herbs, from the spinal cord sprang wheat and from the blood gushed the vine (wine was the drink of the sacred mysteries). With this sacrifice Mithra became the creator of many useful beings for humans.
The religion of Mithra has some elements in common with Christianity. It is considered monotheistic, has the concept of a savior, and battles evil. On December 25th grandiose festivals took place throughout the Roman Empire, where many Christians participated. And that’s why the Church was forced to set this day as a celebration of Christmas in Rome.
About the death of Mithra, the only evidence comes from the Christian Tertullian at the end of the 2nd century AD who says that he has a faint memory that Mithra “introduced an image of resurrection.”
Μεγάλη Ελληνική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια του ΠΥΡΣΟΥ (1935)
Edouard Schure: “Οι Μεγάλοι Μύσται”, Κεφ. Κρίσνα
W.R. Haliday, The pagan Background of early Christianity, Liverp. 1928, σελ. 282
Π. Τρεμπέλα Μυστηριακαί θρησκείαι και Χριστιανισμός, Αθήναι 1932, σελ. 23
Μπρατσιώτης Παν. Ι., Καθηγητής της Βιβλικής Ιστορίας, Μ.Ε.Ε., τόμος Στ, λήμμα Άττις
Ορφέας και Ορφισμός, μέρος πρώτο, Αντί Προλόγου, Νίκος Βαρδιάμπασης, ένθετο Ιστορικά, Εφημερίδα Ελευθεροτυπία, 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2004, τεύχος 266, σελ. 5
The topic we will examine today relates to the way our children are edified (brought up) in our time.
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