Children and Society
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Greek Translation of this article
QUESTION: If knowledge of the Truth is enough, why shouldn’t we live our material life without any measure, with ambition and material earnings and when our “time” comes, or the moment of revelation –since we’ll know the truth– we will also know what to say up there…
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ANSWER: Man is actually an energy being, consisting of ENERGY LAYERS, i.e. his energy bodies.
These energy layers are ranging from the outermost thinner one, to the innermost denser energy, which forms the dense material body.
All these energy layers / bodies are interconnected by invisible energy threads and they interact with each other.
Everything in this universe is part of the global energy ocean, where everything is interconnected and influenced by one another. Only our brain produces/displays this apparent separation.
Thereby man is connected to these global energy-potentials which spread around him as invisible threads, forming energy connections with his energy bodies.
An event in which the dense physical body participates, simultaneously affects the astral / emotional body, as well as the mental body, i.e. the Soul.
So, when someone’s physical body, through his actions, begins to “weave” energy connections with lower energy states of this world, it traps all his bodies, as well as his Soul in this energy web.
When man is eventually released from his material body due to his death, these energy connections he has built in his lifetime through his actions, will define the course of his soul. And not only they define his soul’s course, but they also trap the soul like anchors, and keep it tied to what its owner has woven around it. Additionally, these ties have fascinated it so much, that they will not let it see the Truth clearly, whether it has learnt it or not.
If the energy connections man has “woven” in his life, are of low vibrations, they will drag his entire existence low. If the energy connections he has “woven” are of high vibrations, then they upgrade him to higher energy areas. But when the threads he “weaves” are not of energy, but of Spirit and are connected to the True worlds that exist outside of this energy universe of duality, then, he builds the bridge of his exit.
So, the expected action after understanding the Truth, is the severance/separation from all the energy “anchors” that can keep man trapped in this dualistic world, regardless of the vibrational quality of the energy-region they put him in.
Because the desideratum is: the redemption of the Spirit from the trap of the dualistic energy of Yin and Yang, BECAUSE THE SPIRIT IS NOT ENERGY.
Thus, strong materialistic activities, enjoyment of material lusts and the craving for physical pleasure, will only weave an energy net of DEPENDENCE around the Soul, trapping it in areas with the lowest energy-vibrations.
The energy (astral) body then, with unseen invisible energy links –like invisible threads‒ traps man, holding him “attached” to all the “beloved” (during his lifetime) materialistic activities.
This way, the awareness of the Truth is canceled by the re-densification of the veil of oblivion (Λήθη=forgetfulness).
After the death of the material body, the invisible connections that man built during his life, remain active, and permanently entrap the Soul, throwing it into a new incarnation, in order to fulfill, in the next life, the desires which it is dependent upon.
The awareness of the Truth helps to build the bridge between man and the True Father (God), and to be separated from his dualistic energy anchors, because it openly reveals the world in which he was entrapped.
Therefore, it is not consistent: to have seen the decay, the injustice and violence of NATURE of this world, to want to leave this world, and also to bow to its pleasures! It is contradictory and very dangerous.
If someone communes the Truth, but continues to live in the same materialistic way as before the revelation of the Truth, this means he hasn’t realized the problem of this creation, and his Soul couldn’t envisage the Spiritual Homeland Birthplace in order to feel nostalgic for its Spiritual Life.
Therefore, he continues to be tempted by the dualistic fruit (good and evil) of the mortal knowledge (= about all the things that die) of this virtual/iconic life.
This way, he gradually loses all the skills that Truth provided him with.
More information, analysis and proofs in the Book:
Can You Stand The Truth? The Chronicle of Man’s Imprisonment
The topic we will examine today relates to the way our children are edified (brought up) in our time.
A very well-orchestrated fraud, aimed at taking universal events, that will lead to the Matrix escape.
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