Children and Society
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It is true that man possesses many weaknesses and passions which are difficult to control. These passions govern the life of most people, causing unpleasant situations.
It is very difficult for man to fight alone these experiences that often follow him from his young age. For that, there are ways to tame all these WITHOUT MUCH EFFORT, just by activating serious help.
In our world there are many energies that seem to “help” man, but after some time, man finds that he is at the center of a conflict with very dark powers as his opponents. That is why only the True Light (which is not energy, but Essence/Spirit) has the potential to dissolve every negative situation without triggering a “tsunami” of negative reactions like other different energies (e.g. Violet Flame) provoke.
In the name and by the power of the ransom of our salvation, through the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Divine Spark that is in me and that I Am. With all the love of my heart, I call on the unified True Light, that comes from the Kingdom of Heaven.
Light up, Light up, Light up. The True Light, through the quanta of energy that surrounds me. Replace polarization with absolute harmony, and let the True Light surround all my existence, forming a fortified bridge of Salvation to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Light up, Light up, Light up. The True Light, through the molecules of my emotional body. Remove all emotions of doubt, fear, jealousy, deprivation, restraint, impurity, anger, (… personal weaknesses are mentioned…) of ignorance of all sorts, their cause and their core and establish absolute harmony.
Light up, Light up, Light up. The True Light, through the atoms of my brain, my mental body and world. Dissolve all the fragmented images of falsehood and imperfection of all sorts, their cause and their core, and turn them into thoughts and images of unstained Wisdom of the Hypercosmoi of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Light up, Light up, Light up. The True Light, through the electrons of my aetheric body. Remove the memory of every pain, malice, claim, anger and the bad experiences I had in the past; their cause and their core, and replace them with the benevolent (Agathon) Wisdom.
Light up, Light up, Light up. The True Light, through the cells of every system, organ, tissue, bone and blood of my physical body. Keep it there until all the signs of stress, sadness, age, pain and imperfection, of all sorts, their cause and their core, are dissolved and turned into absolute harmony.
I thank you and accept the answer to my call with gratitude from the depths of my heart, as I seal this invocation with the Holiest Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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